aculab-webrtc javascript interface



AculabCloudClient(cloudId, webRtcAccessKey, clientId, logLevel)

Creates an AculabCloudClient object. A page can have more than one AculabCloudClient at a time.
cloudId is the identifier of the Aculab Cloud where services that interact with the user are located.
webRtcAccessKey is the WebRTC access key of your Aculab Cloud account.
clientId identifies this client object. It is the value that will be placed in the call_from field in the call details of the application's main channel when making calls to inbound services. It is also the value used when services make outbound calls to WebRTC clients.
Note: clientId can only contain alphanumeric and +-._ characters.
logLevel is a numeric value between 0 and 6 inclusive. 0 disables logging and 6 is the most detailed logging.

AculabCloudClient object functions

static boolean isSupported()

Returns true if the browser supports the necessary functionality and false if not.

static array getCodecList(mediaType)

mediaType is either "audio" or "video".
Returns an array of RTCRtpCodecCapability objects, if the browser supports the necessary functionality and an empty array if not. The list can be reordered to set a preferred codec and passed in an AculabCloudCallOptions object when placing or answering calls. (Note: removing items from the list is allowed but may cause inter-operability problems.)

AculabCloudOutgoingCall callService(serviceName)

serviceName is the name of the Aculab Cloud incoming service that the call will be connected to.

This initiates a call to the specified Aculab Cloud incoming service. Call progress is reported by callbacks, these should be set on the object returned by this function.

This throws a string exception if:

AculabCloudOutgoingCall makeOutgoing(serviceName)

Deprecated This is an alias for callService, which should be used instead.

AculabCloudOutgoingCall callClient(clientId, token, options)

clientId is the client identifier of the WebRTC client that the call will be connected to.
token is an authenication token. These can be obtained using an Aculab Cloud webservice.
options, when specified, is a AculabCloudCallOptions object.

This initiates a call to the specified Aculab Cloud WebRTC client. Call progress is reported by callbacks, these should be set on the object returned by this function.

This throws a string exception if:

void enableIncoming(token)

token is an authenication token. These can be obtained using an Aculab Cloud webservice. The token can be updated by calling this function with the new token.
This function initiates registration of this client object as the destination for calls to the specified user. The status of the registration is reported by the onIncomingState callback.

This throws a string exception if the token format is invalid.

void disableIncoming()

This function initiates the removal of this client as the destination for call to the specified user. The status of the registration is reported by the onIncomingState callback.

AculabCloudClient data properties


Must be null or an array of RTCIceServer objects. This value can be changed at any time. Outgoing calls will use the value set when the call is made. Incoming calls will use the value set when the call is answered. If the value is null, an Aculab provided set of iceServers is used. Using an empty array will disable the Aculab provided iceServers.


This is the number of concurrent calls this client is allowed to handle. The default is 1. This value must be 1 or greater. The upper limit is browser dependent.

AculabCloudClient callback properties

Each of these callback properties must be either null or a function. The function will be passed a single object parameter. Additional information may be included as properties of that object. All such properties are detailed below.


Called when user registration state changes.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
ready A boolean indicating whether this client is waiting for incoming calls.
cause One of the following strings:
the connection to the cloud has been lost.
the token specified is not valid (for example, it has expired)
the registration was unsuccessful for some other reason
the state change was in response to API calls
retry A boolean indicating whether the client will automatically retry the registration.


Called when an incoming call occurs. If this is null or throws an exception, the incoming call is rejected.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call An AculabCloudIncomingCall object.
from The CallerID passed by the remote party.
type The type of the remote party. One of "client", "service" or "other".
offeringAudio The remote party is offering to send audio.
canReceiveAudio The remote party can receive audio.
offeringVideo The remote party is offering to send video.
canReceiveVideo The remote party can receive video.

Call progress is reported by callbacks, these should be set on the passed call object before returning from the callback function.


This object is used to modify the default behaviour of the client when making or answering calls.

AculabCloudCallOptions object properties


A MediaStream object that is the local media to send to calls. If undefined, a media stream is obtained using getUserMedia() and the specified constraints.


A MediaStreamConstraints object. The default is "{ audio: true, video: false }". This is unused if a localStream has been given.


Can be true, false or undefined. When undefined the client will receive audio if the localStream has an audio track and refuse to receive audio otherwise. The default is undefined.


Can be true, false or undefined. When undefined the client will receive video if the localStream has a video track and refuse to receive video otherwise. The default is undefined.


An object with the following properties:

audio An array of RTCRtpCodecCapability, such as that returned by AculabCloudClient.getCodecList("audio"). The default is an empty array, which results in using the browser defaults.
video An array of RTCRtpCodecCapability, such as that returned by AculabCloudClient.getCodecList("video"). The default is an empty array, which results in using the browser defaults.


The maximum bitrate to use for audio. Set to Infinte to have no limit, undefined to use the browser default, or an integer which is in bits per second.


The maximum bitrate to use for video. Set to Infinte to have no limit, undefined to use the browser default, or an integer which is in bits per second.


The base class for call objects. Instances derived from this object are returned by callService(), callClient() or passed to the onIncoming callback.

AculabCloudCall object functions

string callId()

Gets the callId used for the call. For outgoing calls this may return undefined until the onConnecting() callback is being called. For incoming calls it is always available.

void mute(mic, outputAudio, camera, outputVideo)

mic, outputAudio, camera and outputVideo are boolean. If mic is true, then the microphone (sent audio) is muted. If outputAudio is true the received audio is muted. If camera is true, then the video stream being sent has every frame filled entirely with black pixels. If outputVideo is true, then the video stream being received has every frame filled entirely with black pixels. If camera or outputVideo are undefined, then the value is replaced by mic and outputAudio respectively.

void sendDtmf(dtmf_str)

dtmf_str is a string containing the DTMF digits to be sent. These are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,*,#,A,B,C and D.

This throws a string exception if there is an invalid digit in the string. There is no return value.

void disconnect()

Disconnects any existing call. This can be called at any time.

AculabCloudCall callback properties

Each of these callback properties must be either null or a function. The function will be passed a single object parameter. Additional information may be included as properties of that object. All such properties are detailed below.


The call has disconnected.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call The call object that is reporting the event.
cause One of the following strings:
no microphone is available to the AculabCloudClient, usually because the user refused access or there is no microphone.
the service called hangup() with the busy cause or the service could not be started (due to limited UAS capacity, for example)
the specified incoming service name does not exist
the service attempted to redirect the call
the call was rejected either by the incoming service or an intermediary
the call did not connect
the call was unsuccessful for some other reason
an internal error occurred.
the call has disconnected in the normal way after having connected


Called when remote media is available to be rendered to the user.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call The call object that is reporting the event.
stream A MediaStream object suitable connecting to an <audio> or a <video> HTMLMediaElement as the srcObject.


Called once the local media has been obtained and the browser will now start to prepare the sockets needed to transport the call media. The passed stream is the local media.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call The call object that is reporting the event.
stream A MediaStream object suitable connecting to an <audio> or a <video> HTMLMediaElement as the srcObject.


Called when the call has been answered.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call The call object that is reporting the event.


Called when the call's local video track has been muted.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call The call object that is reporting the event.
stream A MediaStream object that is the local media stream.
track A MediaStreamTrack object that is the muted local media track.


Called when the call's local video track has been unmuted.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call The call object that is reporting the event.
stream A MediaStream object that is the local media stream.
track A MediaStreamTrack object that is the unmuted local media track.


Called when the call's remote video track has been muted.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call The call object that is reporting the event.
stream A MediaStream object that is the remote media stream.
track A MediaStreamTrack object that is the muted remote media track.


Called when the call's remote video track has been unmuted.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call The call object that is reporting the event.
stream A MediaStream object that is the remote media stream.
track A MediaStreamTrack object that is the unmuted remote media track.

AculabCloudOutgoingCall extends AculabCloudCall

The class for outgoing call objects as returned by callService() and callClient(). No additional functions are defined.

AculabCloudOutgoingCall callback properties

Each of these callback properties must be either null or a function. The function will be passed a single object parameter. Additional information may be included as properties of that object. All such properties are detailed below.


The incoming service has signalled that the call is ringing.

The parameter object will have the following properties:

property value
call The call object that is reporting the event.

AculabCloudIncomingCall extends AculabCloudCall

The class for incoming call objects passed to the onIncoming callback. No additional callbacks are defined.

AculabCloudIncomingCall object functions

void answer(options)

options, when specified, is a AculabCloudCallOptions object.

Answer the incoming call.

void ringing()

Notify the calling service that the user is being alerted to the incoming call.

void reject(cause)

Reject the incoming call with the cause value specified. The value should be a SIP response code between 400 and 699 inclusive. If no cause is given or the specified cause is invalid, the cause 486 (Busy Here) will be used.